Wednesday, November 4, 2009

what an inspiration

all of this music and all of these videos have been a big part of my days recently.
in the middle of december, i will post a mixtape of a sort. all of my fall listenings.
i am a beliver in fall music. just like how there are summer anthems and hits. about summer love and being with friends.
fall has always impacted me the most. always. the weather always reminds me of what comfort is.
i dont mean comfort like temperature really. i am honestly a warm weather person.
i mean comfort. understanding what you want most. wanting over needing. and being comfortable with how i feel with what i want.
these songs will be there for me.
and whenever i listen to the songs again, next year or the year after, the reflections will be of warmth. the warmth that is to be found.

1 comment:

  1. thanks again for your comments on my crazy blog ... i love the thoughts in your "about me:" section of your profile. made me grin! that's key to a good day! and when i read this in your entry today, "fall has always impacted me the most. always. the weather always reminds me of what comfort is," i hit "follow this blog" in a millisecond. can't wait to read and hear more. :)
